Hello Happiness

This is actually really scary… writing something that anyone could read and speculate at any time. This is not the sort of thing that I would normally do but right now its different. I am doing this because it is scary, it is new. I’m on uncharted territory and have to hope for the best. It is a new year and indeed a new beginning and I want to make this year different.

In 2014, I had the highest of highs and lowest of lows which sent me on a roller coaster of emotions in a time of my life that was already emotionally draining (college). Looking back on the previous year, I have come to the conclusion that I lost my ability to be happy and calm even when things were gloomy and this is not something I’m okay with. The worry for my sister battling an eating disorder and the pressure to always put on a good face beat me down so low during my first semester of college that I couldn’t hold my composure any longer. I was letting the things out of my control drag me down because I was not trusting God fully. He’s beautifully shown his grace in my family’s life, time and time again so why did I ever stray? Over the past few months my sister is fighting and winning and my family is getting back on our feet again!

In 2015, it is my intention to cultivate my own happiness, deepen my faith, and simply love life! Shortly stated, my new years resolution is…….HAPPINESS!!!!  No, not every day will be full of fairy dust and shooting stars, but I can make every day count which will in turn gift me with happiness. This blog is going to be the thing that holds me accountable as time progresses and will hopefully grow into something much bigger then a resolution because it is my belief that reflecting and documenting our experiences is critical to creating a healthy and creative culture. God is leading me to this new adventure and I can’t wait to see the beautiful outcomes along the way! So if you’d life, join me on my happiness journey, I’d love to have you along:)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Disclaimer: I tend to be the most awkward person ever so you’ll probably get a few laughs.

4 thoughts on “Hello Happiness

  1. Pam Ballou says:

    cass the secret of maturing in Christ is owning up to our shortcomings and letting God know of our weaknesses. It is in our weaknesses He works. That’s when others see Christ in you working to accomplish His goals. I am one of many of your cheerleaders!! Lean on Him and us to seek His pleasure and you’ll find peace even in the unhappy moments. Love you more each year!! Pam

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